Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Israel UN envoy slams Iran hypocrisy over ME arms

Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor addressed the UN on Wednesday, highlighting two key Israeli concerns; the Iranian race for nuclear arms and Palestinian intolerance towards Israel.

"Earlier this month, the Iranian delegate stood in front of the General Assembly to share Iran's so-called concerns with the Arms Trade Treaty...this is like the mafia complaining that the crime rate in New York is high," Prosor said.

He continued to warn the UN, "Make no mistake - Iran's ambition for nuclear weapons is the single greatest threat to the Middle East and the entire world.   

Prosor noted that following last month's negotiation attempts with Iran, "Iran announced two key infrastructure projects. Surprise, surprise, both of them expanded Iran's ability to process Uranium."

Prosor slammed Iran for sending Hezbollah fighters to Syria to effectively help Syrian President Bashar Assad butcher the Syrian people.

Though the bulk of Prosor's speech centered around the Iranian nuclear problem, he reserved some choice words to address the issue of Palestinian intolerance as a society towards the Israeli people.

"From cradles to kindergarten classrooms, from the fields of summer camps to the fields of football stadiums, messages of intolerance fill Palestinian society," Prosor said. "It doesn't take an urban planner to realize that the Palestinians are missing the blueprints to build a peaceful neighborhood."

Prosor ended by calling on the UN to strengthen their support of "tolerance, mutual recognition, and security (in the Middle East)."

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